
Who We are

A partner and support system for Kenyan communities looking to transform their lives.

What We do

We focus on Health,Education, Economic Empowerment and Sustainable Philanthropy to enhance equity.

Why We do it

We aim to build a thriving and prosperous Kenya by providing resources, opportunity, and hope.

Who We Are

Mimi Ni Sisi is a Swahili statement that loosely translates to "I am you". What this means is that we as fellow humans share the same condition on earth and as such we are each others keepers.

All for one and one for all - this is the principle that guides our charitable foundation. We believe that by coming together as Kenyans, we can create a better future for all communities in Kenya.

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How We Work

We are committed to raising funds, through a subscription model, where able Kenyans from all walks of life can donate, a shilling, two or three daily that will help affected Kenyans access to clean water, affordable food and quality education and healthcare.

We work closely with local communities and stakeholders to identify pressing needs at the community and national levels, and developed targeted solutions to address them, in the short-term but with a long-term view.

We believe in incremental changes that have a lasting solution.

Charity begins at home, is not just a statement, for us, its very backbone of our values and guiding philosophy here at MimiNiSisi.

How Can You Help?

We call on our fellow citizens to join us in supporting the important work of our charitable foundation. Your donation, no matter how small, can help make a real difference in the lives of communities in Kenya. Together, we can create a brighter future for all.

Target Number of subscribers
Partners on Board

Contact Us

Mimi Ni Sisi is a Swahili statement that loosely translates to “I am you”. What this means is that we as fellow humans share the same condition on earth and as such we are each others keepers.

What we stand for

Mimi Ni Sisi is a Swahili statement that loosely translates to "I am you". What this means is that we as fellow humans share the same condition on earth and as such we are each others keepers.